Forrester Podcast Recommended — Web 2.0 Is About Building Relationships
Forrester has started to publish some podcasts for free. Check them out here:
One that I particularly liked was the podcast on Social Computing, which features an interview with Charlene Li. Here's a description of the podcast:
The next generation of marketing is more than just adopting emerging, consumer-generated "Web 2.0 channels" like blogs or wikis. Forrester believes that firms and consumers are undergoing a fundamental shift, which we call Social Computing: a social structure in which technology puts power in communities, not institutions. To thrive in this era, companies must abandon top-down management and communication tactics and become part of a community with their employees, partners, and customers.
Charlene says that Web 2.0 requires companies to let go of control. Ultimately when you engage in blogs, wikis, podcasts, and other social computing, you are not really competing for search engine placement or branding, you are developing relationships with your customers and competing for a space in their hearts. I think that is right on target. Blogging is all about building relationships.