Examples of companies integrating podcasts into their mix of technical communication deliverables?
Someone wrote to me asking if I have examples of companies integrating podcasts into their mix of technical communication deliverables. If you know of any, please let me know in the comments to this post. Here's what come to mind:
- I know Novell does podcasts.
- BMC also provides podcasts.
- Boagworld uses instructional podcasts as a marketing vehicle for their company.
- I believe DMN Communications also uses podcasts to increase their visibility.
- WordPress isn't a company, but they have a podcast that includes tips and other instruction.
- Pandora has some instructional podcasts about music.
- The Podcast Academy had an instructional podcast on using Audacity.
- Slate has some explainer podcasts that are popular.
- Microsoft's Channel 9 has a mix of audiovisual content.
- The Harvard Business Review has an ideacast that is popular.
I wish I could think of more examples where companies are starting to use podcasts in their mix of technical communications. I think screencasts and Captivate videos are more prominent for technical instructions. Podcasts aren't very good at delivering step-by-step technical information. Concepts are where podcasts excel.
You might ask the guys over at ipressroom.com for some examples, or also email the Podcast Academy folk. Personally, I think every company should have a podcast on their product (if it warrants it). I know Madcap recently announced integration with audio content such as podcasts. That surprised me a little — I wasn't aware that there was even a demand to start integrating podcasts with technical help content.
Please let me know if you find any other examples.