New Theme Viewer: 39 WordPress Themes I Like
I created a theme viewer here: Most of the themes are attractive and well-designed. You navigate the theme viewer by clicking the links in the Themes section of the sidebar. Each theme wraps its own formatting around the same posts.
To download a theme's files, see the instructions on the first post on the theme viewer site. Enjoy the themes—they were created by more than a dozen different designers. Let me know if it helps you find a theme for your site. And I wouldn't mind adding more themes to the viewer too.
Here are the home pages of themes currently in the theme viewer:
- (Not so) Fresh
- Ambiru
- BloggingPro_WR
- BlueCrunch
- Cleaker
- Clean Copy
- Dark Grey Lines (links)
- Digital Pop
- fUnique
- fDawn
- fHeaavn
- Fresh
- fScreen
- fSubtle
- fTiny
- fVariant
- GlossyBlue
- Green Tea
- Green Peel
- InSense
- Intense
- Integral
- iTheme
- Just Simple
- Leia
- Mesozoic
- New Order
- Paalam
- Sahara
- Simplr
- Skittlish
- Tarski
- TerraFirma
- Unsleepable_v.1.6
- WordPress Default
- WP-Andreas01
- YGo Soo Simple
- YGo Soothing
- Ygo lonely
- YGoax
What cool themes am I missing?