STC Atlanta Launches Podcast — Michelle Schoen Is Atlanta's Resident Podcaster
STC Atlanta has jumped into podcasting with member interviews and chapter recordings, hosting the podcast site on libsyn. Michelle Schoen introduces herself as follows,
Hello, I'm Michelle Schoen, Hospitality Chairperson and resident Podcaster for the Society for Technical Communications (STC) in Atlanta. In this site you will find recorded STC Chapter Meeting and interviews with our members.
In these first few podcasts, glimpses of Michelle's voice come across as warm and full of enthusiasm and charm. She interviews various members in her chapter about where they work and what their favorite work-related sites are.
The recording of the Jack Molisani podcast ("Building a Business Case") is crisp and clear -- you can even hear many of the audience's questions. Be sure to add STC Atlanta's podcast feed to your podcatcher.