Free Copies of SnagIt 7 and Camtasia 3
TechSmith is providing free downloads and licenses for copies of SnagIt 7.2 and Camtasia 3.1. The current version of SnagIt is 8.2 and Camtasia is 5. Still, for totally free software, you can't beat this. Thanks for the tip from Jeff and Digital Inspiration:
How to you get them?
- Step One: Download it here.
- Step Two: Visit the TechSmith website here and request a registration key.
Camtasia Studio
I've actually wanted a copy of SnagIt for a while just to capture images for blog posts. It's easier and quicker than doing it in Photoshop. Camtasia does a wonderful job at full motion recording for screen demos.
I think TechSmith's marketing strategy is to hook you on the older products in hopes that you'll want to upgrade to the latest versions. Pass the word on to other tech writers.