"Regular Sloggers Trying to Make a Living"
Quite a few people stumble across my blog searching for information on technical writing. One recent stumbler, Nick, writes with the following question:
I'm studying tech writing and I happened upon this site (blog) and I'm asking myself what can I get from this thing called
"blog" and what can I give to it. It seems that most of the people who respond are lecturers or advisers in the field and not , per-se,
regular sloggers trying to make a living.It would be really refreshing to get advice and info, and give it through experience, without feeling that I am naive and perhaps even stupid beginner and without having to buy the book, or attend the lecture and then buy the book. I do appreciate the blog, it gives me an insight into the high-end world of Tech writing - but even digital watches and Ink cartridges need operating instructions.
Thanks for writing, Nick. Here's a video that explains more about blogs:
I found the video from the Key Content blog. The video author is Common Craft.
A lot of tech comm bloggers are professional technical writers, but I'd hardly consider any of us lecturers. We're full of advice, I'm sure. And blogs can sound like lectures. But we're all sloggers trying to make a living. Eileen Brown, a UK technical evangelist for Microsoft, sums it up best:
"Social media has enabled ordinary people to connect with other ordinary people."
(For the full context, see Anna Farmery's The Engaging Brand podcast, "Blogging Within Microsoft," 6 min)
Blogs are the thought journals of our [professional] lives. You're invited to comment on others' blogs and begin a blog of your own. Social media can be entirely free, and you do gain insights in the high-end world of technical writing.