WordCamp Utah is August 28
Wordcamp is a conference dedicated to topics on WordPress. This year WordCamp Utah will be held Saturday, August 28 at the University of Utah. The conference costs $20 and includes lunch.
Here are details from Joseph Scott, the organizer:
WordCamp Utah 2010 will be held August 28th at University of Utah, in the Skaggs Biology Building. This is a great opportunity to spend a day with local WordPress developers, users, and fans of all kinds! Presentations will cover a range of topics, with two tracks running throughout the day.
Just getting started or looking for a little help with your WordPress questions? We'll have a Genius Bar where you get some help. Already a WordPress whiz? Come volunteer at Genius Bar! Contact us (http://2010.utah.wordcamp.org/contact/ ) and we'll put you on the list.
And finally, at WordCamp Utah 2010 we'll get an answer to that question you've always wondered about, Will WordPress Blend? http://2010.utah.wordcamp.org/2010/07/15/will-it-blend/
If you are interested in sponsoring, presenting, or helping make everything run smoothly please let us know -
http://2010.utah.wordcamp.org/contact/ - we are still looking for help with video recording in both rooms so if you know someone who can help in that area we'd really like to hear from you.The vital details:
URL: http://2010.utah.wordcamp.org/
Registration: http://wordcamputah2010.eventbrite.com/ ($20 + Eventbrite fee)
Twitter: http://twitter.com/wordcamputah
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