Document 360: #1 Knowledge Base Software
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Document 360: #1 Knowledge Base Software

Saratoga Hot Springs

by David CHEN on May 1, 2011 •
categories: family

We walked down to the Saratoga Hot Springs tonight -- just Callie and Lucy, since Avery was sick at home. The trail to the hot spring is short, maybe half a mile. Beautiful walk, as you can see Utah lake and the mountains. We weren't sure if the hot spring was bathable water, but when we arrived, it was full of people, including a couple of hippies drinking beer. They called the tall grass elephant grass and joked about watching out for snakes.

Lucy wouldn't put her hand in the hot spring -- because there were other people in there. At first she didn't want to even go near the hot spring. Perhaps she's just shy. She did finally put her hand in an empty adjacent spring.

Callie loves taking pictures. She demanded that she was "the photographer." Never mind that it's a $600 Nike digital SLR. She actually does a good job. It's kind of interesting to see her take so many pictures -- it shows what she thinks is beautiful or noteworthy. Shannon actually got Callie a camera for Christmas, but we ended up returning it for lack of quality. Her foresight to buy Callie a camera was more on target than I thought.

We will have to return to this place with bathing suits. Shannon asked if it smelled like sulfer. Not that I remember, but the mud around the place was mucky. We tried following a paths through the elephant grass to Utah lake, but each time we were blocked buy muddy/mucky trail paths.

We lost Lucy's scarf somewhere along the trail, and she was distraught about losing it. When we returned to the trailhead, it was hanging on a truck's side mirror.

Lucy and Callie frequently demand that I carry them, as they have little endurance for walking. Next time I'm taking the bike carrier (the Burley) and pushing them.

One thing I did well was require them to wear warm clothing. Not just coats, but hats and scarves too. They never think they need it while we're getting ready, but as soon as we're out there, those little munchkins freeze.

Overall, the trail down here by the lake is probably the most picturesque I've seen. Stretched out before the lake is tall elephant grass. In the distance, the snow-capped mountains.

Seeing the hippies in the hot springs drinking beer and lazing about, it prompted me to reflect on the simple pleasures in life. I get so caught up in my suburban life and work, it looks so appealing to slip away in the late afternoon and bathe in a hot spring, just kind of wading.

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