Girl Scouts Painting and Comic Art Badges
A couple of weeks ago, we decided to enroll out girls in Girl Scouts. It turns out there's a Girl Scout office in American Fork, Utah, and numerous active troops in the area. This week we focused on the Painting badge (Brownies) and the Comic Arts badge (Cadettes).
For the Painting badge, Callie had to create several different types of paintings: still life, a mood, a painting that uses natural objects as brushes, and a mural. For the Comic Arts badge, Avery had to come up with a story, sketch the story out, and lay it out in comic panels.
Overall, this activity was a great activity. Painting supplies cost a bit, but they were well worth it. Callie hasn't finished the mural yet -- she's still deciding on the story she wants to portray, and she finds the mural activity a little daunting. But she plans to finish it this week.
We photographed the kids' artwork and added it below.