Document 360: #1 Knowledge Base Software
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Document 360: #1 Knowledge Base Software

Writers needed for Intercom issue on API documentation

by David CHEN on Feb 26, 2014 •
categories: api-doc

I'm guest editing an edition of Intercom that will focus on API documentation (with a planned publication date of September 2014). As guest editor, I need to gather a handful of articles from tech writers with experience in this field. Are you interested in writing an article on API documentation? I have about 8 different topics I hope to cover. See this Google doc for details. If you're interested, add your name to the table below the topic you want to cover, and then send me an email.

March 1 update: I have enough writers committed for the Intercom articles. However, I'm also starting a series of podcasts related to API documentation, so if you would like me to interview you in a podcast format (conducted via Skype), let me know.

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