My DITA quick reference guide (QRG)
My DITA quick reference guide, or DITA QRG, is available on my menu bar and here: This DITA QRG consists of my own notes for working with DITA.
Why create this quick reference guide? There's a lot to know about DITA. If you look at the DITA 1.2 spec there are many, many elements -- it can be overwhelming when trying to start out. Additionally, I think DITA could benefit from having more information available online.
The information in my DITA QRG is condensed into short, more code-based examples of the various elements. Right now I have about 30 topics, and I will continue to add to it as needed. Also, I focus on DITA in the context of OxygenXML, which is the main editor I'm using to structure my DITA content. (The editor isn't always relevant in the topic descriptions, but sometimes it is.)
My DITA quick reference guide has comment capability at the bottom of each topic. If you have suggestions, corrections, additions, etc., please let me know. Benefiting from your insight is why I decided to publish my notes on the web. I hope to learn from people more seasoned with DITA so that I can adopt best practices early on.