5 REST API resources to add to your reading list
The following is a collection of 5 worthwhile REST API resources (blogs, newsletters, or other tutorials) to add to your API reading list.
Here are a few good REST API resources to add to your reading list:
- An API a Day. This is a Tumblr blog by Lois Patterson. She’s provides brief updates on different API resources she finds.
- Undisturbed REST: A Guide to Designing the Perfect API. This is a free book (written by Michael Stowe) that you can download in PDF format. It covers how to design a REST API, with an emphasis on using the RAML spec. Reading this book has helped me understand the philosophy and purpose of using a spec in designing an API.
- Learn REST: A RESTful Tutorial, by Todd Fredrich. This site, by Todd Fredrich, provides some great tutorials on REST APIs.
- Nordic APIs. The Nordic APIs blog (a multi-author site) has some excellent info on a variety of API topics. For example, see this post about the top specifications for REST API formats.
- REST API Notes newsletter. This newsletter, by Matthew Reinbold, has some great API news and analysis.