Document 360: #1 Knowledge Base Software
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Document 360: #1 Knowledge Base Software

Examples of visual communication in developer documentation with the Android Vocabulary Glossary

by David CHEN on Jun 21, 2016 •
categories: visual-communication

I often hear tech writers in developer doc say they don't use a lot of visuals because users just want code samples. While code samples certainly connect well with users, there's also room to clarify difficult concepts through conceptual illustrations. The Android Vocabulary Glossary provides a perfect example of this.

You can view the Android Vocabulary Glossary here.

For example, check out the Setter Method.

Visual communication in developer doc

This visual is actual a looping gif animation that provides an interesting, unique way of explaining getter and setter methods.

I’m blown away by the quality of these visuals. Someone with serious talent created a useful glossary like none I’ve ever seen. A lot of the vocabulary terms are also supplemented with code samples as well.

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