Getting a job in API documentation -- new topics and expansions in my API doc course
I recently expanded the Getting a job in API documentation section in my API documentation course. This section explores issues such as why API technical writers need programming knowledge, the tradeoffs between being a writer who learns programming versus a programmer who learns writing, states in the U.S. where most of the API documentation jobs are located (and whether you should move there), and more.
To read the three topics in “Getting a Job in API documentation,” see the following:
- The job market for API technical writers - An explanation about why tech writers need programming knowledge even though REST APIs are language agnostic.
- How much code do you need to know? - An exploration between whether it’s better to hire a programmer who learned writing or a writer who learned programming.
- Locations for API doc writer jobs - An attempt to determine where most of the API technical writing jobs are located, and whether it’s a good idea to move to California.