If you’re thinking of advertising on idratherbewriting.com, it’s important to get a sense of the traffic and analytics of the audience so that your ad not only has visibility, but visibility with the right audience.

In 2019, idratherbewriting.com had 1,974,524 page views, or about 5,409 page views a day (225 page views an hour). More specifically, users created 1,207,264 sessions, with 1.64 pages per session and an average of 1:41 minutes per session.

Overall page views

Here’s a breakdown of site traffic analytics on idratherbewriting.com from Jan 1, 2019 through Dec 31, 2019, according to Google Analytics. The blue line represents 2019, while the brown line represents 2014 for comparison.

I'd Rather Be Writing received 1,974,524 page views during 2019. This equates to 5,409 page views a day.
I'd Rather Be Writing received 1,974,524 page views during 2019, or 5,409 page views a day

The above screenshot compares the traffic of the site in 2019 with the traffic 5 years earlier. In 2014, the total page view count for the year was 588,826. The site’s traffic has grown by 335% over 5 years.

Analytics breakdown

The following table includes more details from other Google Analytics reports. To make the data more meaningful, I’ve provided both the 2018 and 2019 data so you can compare the changes from one year to the next. I also round data to the nearest whole number (e.g., 1.51% is rounded to 2%; 1.49% is rounded to 1%).

Jan 1, 2018 - Dec 31, 2019 –>
Jan 1, 2019 - Dec 31, 2019
Page views 1,552,615–>1,974,524
Average page views per day 4,253–>5,409
Average page views per hour 177–>225
Unique page views 1,331,869–>1,704,059
Average time on page 2:40–>2:40
Users 687,818–>909,236
Sessions 942,306–>1,207,264
Sessions per user 1.37–>1.33
Average session duration 1:44–>1:41
Pages per session 1.65–>1.64
Bounce rate 78%–>78%
Organic search traffic (unpaid search traffic) 495,033–>761,144
Traffic from social 5,596–>6,373
Social site breakdown Linkedin 49%–>42%, Facebook 20%–>15%, Twitter 17%–>23%
Geographical region US 35%–>32%, India 16% –>17%, UK 5%–>5%
Browser Chrome 73%–>76%, Firefox 9%–>9%
Device category desktop 86%–>88%, mobile 12%–>11%, tablet 2%–>1%
Device type iPhone 37%–>38%, iPad 7%–>6%, Google Pixel 1%–>1%
Operating System Windows 60% –>59%, Mac 20%–>21%, Android/iOS 13%–>12%
Age 18-24 (18%–>15%), 25-34 (48%–>52%), 35-44 (23%–>22%), 45-54 (8%–>7%), 55-64 (3%–>2%)
Gender male (72%–>73%), female (28%–>27%)

All of this information is provided through Google Analytics by default. (I don’t have any special scripts or other tracking cookies other than what Google adds through Google Analytics. Also note that I’m not sure how Google tracks age and gender. Google also tracks hobby categories, though I haven’t shown it here.)

API doc traffic percentage

In 2018, 59% of my site traffic came to my API documentation site (/learnapidoc/. In 2019, that percentage jumped up to 72%

API documentation traffic
The traffic to my API documentation site accounted for about 72% of the overall site traffic.

Here’s a graph that compares this growth to the previous period:

API documentation traffic in 2019 compared to traffic in 2018
API documentation traffic in 2019 compared to traffic in 2018

The traffic from the API documentation visitors is outperforming other traffic sources. My most popular page is Swagger UI tutorial (8.24% of total traffic), followed by Parameters (8.18%), OpenAPI tutorial (2.41%), Postman (2.27%), and Access and print JSON (2.05%). The remaining pages are all under 2% of total traffic.

Quality of impressions

The quality of impressions depends on the influence of the site. Impressions from a highly influential site carry more weight than impressions from a less influential site. In earlier years, several companies ranked the most influential bloggers in tech comm. Their categories shifted more broadly and eventually people stopped creating these influencer lists. Links to previous rankings are below.

If you look at my Presentations, you can see that I’ve also given more than 100 presentations during the past decade.

Posts analyzing site analytics

For more details about analytics, see the following posts. These posts expand on audience interests and demographics.