The following content is in the academics-and-practitioners category:

WTD Australia event recording — 'Remote discussion: Techcomm in the times of pandemic'

Guest post: Why are technical writers often treated as such an unimportant part of a company?

Are technical writers increasingly playing non-technical roles? Some thoughts on the evolution of technical writing roles

Podcast: Users as producers of knowledge — conversation with Nupoor Ranade about how tech writer roles are changing

New topic in API course: Five strategies for documenting code

New topic in API course: Research on documenting code

New video recordings of Raleigh API documentation workshop now available

Why I decided not to become a grasshopper expert, or, Not deciding your focus based on where readers are clicking

Recognizing Research Realities Across Technical Communication -- guest post by Kirk St. Amant

Master's in technical writing at Mercer — FAQ

Should you get a degree in a tech comm program? Two considerations to keep in mind

How to design API documentation for opportunistic (active, experiential) learning styles

Corporate exodus narratives: A close look at the tension between the corporation and academia

Asserting your expertise as a SME in the workplace: Q&A with Jennifer Mallette and Megan Gehrke

Research on code documentation -- when not to comment on code

My conflicted thoughts about the decentralized web (while taking the Census of Technical Communicators survey)

Reciprocal knowledge networks and the iFixit Technical Writing Project -- Conversation with Guiseppe Getto

Looking at the theoretical foundations for tech comm -- Conversation with Lisa Melonçon

Adventures of a Techie Academic with Lightweight DITA (LwDITA): Conversation with Carlos Evia

Teaching Technological Adaptability to Bridge the Gap (Guest post by Melonie McMichael)

Combatting the "Make-It-Pretty" Philosophy: Technical Writers Fight Back (Guest post by Emily January Petersen)

The relationship between academics and practitioners -- Podcast with Kirk St. Amant

A short survey to measure academic/practitioner attitudes

Two open-ended surveys to gauge practitioner/academic attitudes

Podcast: The divide between academics and practitioners -- Interview with Lisa Meloncon

Why is there a divide between academics and practitioners in tech comm?

Are Academics Just Talking to Themselves?

Is Rhetoric Relevant? Considering the "Message in Context" [Organizing Content #27]

Reflections on Allison Reynold's Talk on Job Skills for the Workplace