The following content is in the stitcher category:

Developer portal strategies for complex landscapes -- conversation with Kristof van Tomme

API the Docs recording: How Trends in API Documentation Differ from other Tech Comm Trends

Are technical writers increasingly playing non-technical roles? Some thoughts on the evolution of technical writing roles

Podcast: Users as producers of knowledge — conversation with Nupoor Ranade about how tech writer roles are changing

Webinar recording: How Trends in API Documentation Differ from other Tech Comm Trends

Introduction to API documentation - Recording from Los Angeles API documentation workshop

Podcast: How Paligo is filling a niche in the CCMS market for complex documentation, with Anders Svensson

Podcast with Andrew Davis: Hiring API doc writers -- an inside look at fixing broken processes

From API docs to developer portals

Podcast: API Design and Usability with Arnaud Lauret (API Handyman)

Podcast: Dealing with Project Overload -- Strategies to Manage Overflowing Documentation Tasks

Podcast: 10 myths about API documentation

Recording of Tech Comm Trends Presentation (STC Puget Sound chapter)

Crash course in API documentation -- a one-hour video

Corporate exodus narratives: A close look at the tension between the corporation and academia

Recording and slides for my trends presentation at the Symposium for Communicating Complex Information (SCCI)

How to become a 10X technical writer in the workplace

How to motivate users to provide feedback: Show that you're listening to their input

Site analytics from Jan 1 to Dec 31, 2018 -- are more engineers writing docs now?

Recording for Menlo Park API documentation workshop now available -- and some thoughts on using cardioid versus omnidirectional microphones for recording

New post in Simplifying Complexity series -- Principle 11: Be both a generalist and specialist at the same time

How to avoid being a secretary for engineers

I'd Rather Be Writing is now an Alexa Flash Briefing skill

Upcoming full-day API documentation workshop in Menlo Park

Preferring technical acuity over specialized knowledge

If writing is no longer a marketable skill, what is?

My conflicted thoughts about the decentralized web (while taking the Census of Technical Communicators survey)

Articulating stories that influence product adoption (new article in Simplifying Complexity series)

The relationship between academics and practitioners -- Podcast with Kirk St. Amant

Reducing the complexity of technical language (new article in Simplifying Complexity series)

Evaluating the user experience of documentation -- Podcast with Bob Watson

Recording of API documentation workshop in Denver

Recording of STC San Francisco presentation: Beyond mere endpoint reference — the overlooked content in API documentation

Recording of OpenAPI and Swagger presentation (for STC and WTD San Diego)

Recording of WTD South Bay presentation: Publishing tools for API documentation

How to become a voracious reader

How do you communicate user progress in a course without a Learning Management System (LMS)?

Intro to API Documentation -- recording of presentation to STC Silicon Valley chapter on 11/20/2017

SwaggerHub: A collaborative platform for working on OpenAPI/Swagger specification files, and more

Has plain language deepened or ruined our delight in language?

Discoveries and realizations while walking down the Docs-as-Code path

Why Stack Overflow's Documentation effort failed -- a few thoughts from a technical writer's perspective

Tech docs and Agile: Alternatives to integrating into engineering Scrums (Part 2)

Tech docs and Agile: Problems with integrating tech writers into engineering Scrums (Part 1)

Why simple language isn't so simple: the struggle to create plain language in documentation

When the pain of ignorance exceeds the pain of learning

Transparency in documentation: dealing with limits about what you can and cannot say

Recording of my WTD Portland 2017 presentation on Building navigation for your doc site -- 5 best practices

Recording of User-Centered Design Principles for Organizing Documentation

Recording: Modern Technical Writing, by Andrew Etter (STC Silicon Valley chapter)

Recording: Writing tech docs like a hacker with Jekyll

Recording of Open Authoring -- Collaboration Across Disciplines presentation, by Ralph Squillace

Saving Your Sanity Through Better Client Relations -- with Alisa Bonsignore

How can technical writers thrive in agile environments? Event recording and details

Recording of Let's Tell a Story -- Scenario-Based Documentation, by Matt Ness (STC Silicon Valley Presentation)

Balancing the never-ending list of documentation to write with your natural interests and passions

Presentation recording: Hunting for API developer documentation jobs in the San Francisco Bay area, by Andrew Davis

The complexities of translation and the need for dynamic variables in the build process

Will the docs-as-code approach scale? Responding to comments on my Review of Modern Technical Writing

The Story of Paligo: A new browser-based CCMS with all the features you'd ever want

Review of Andrew Etter's ebook on Modern Technical Writing

Applying Tim Ferriss' 4-hour work week rules to tech comm projects

Thoughts on Transforming Documentation Processes presentation at WTD: Evaluating the trend to treat documentation as code

Context switching and efficiency -- Kanban to the rescue?

Why Programming Sucks and the fallacy of documentation in the context of code chaos

Thoughts on Documentation Avoidance for Programmers

Presentation recording: Move Fast And ... Document Things? Lessons learned in building documentation culture at a startup, by Ruthie Bendor

Recording of Version Control, Writers, and Worfklows by Richard Mateosian

Podcast: Spec-driven Development of REST APIs, with a focus on RAML -- interview with Michael Stowe

Udemy podcast (with me) and infographic on technical writing

Podcast: The divide between academics and practitioners -- Interview with Lisa Meloncon

Podcast: How do design, length, and relevance affect how people use API reference docs -- interview with Bob Watson

The key to writing good documentation: Testing your instructions

API Documentation presentation to East Bay STC chapter -- slides and recording