Document 360: #1 Knowledge Base Software
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Document 360: #1 Knowledge Base Software

My First Carcast: Driving Home from Vancouver After the Doc Train Conference

by David CHEN on Apr 30, 2007 •
categories: podcasts

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Duration: 83 min.

While driving home from the Documentation and Training Conference in Vancouver, B.C., I recorded my first carcast.

Driving Home

It was a really interesting experience. I hadn't planned to do a carcast, and then on the way home I was a little bored and thought hey, why not try a carcast? I first heard about carcasting from a carcast Tee Morris did (see episode 3: Podcasting on the Go). Carcasting is actually a lot of fun.

And doing it post-conference is perfect, because I had a lot of ideas and thoughts swimming around in my head. The carcast helped me clarify a few things in my mind while providing an entertaining driving activity.

Of course sound quality in a car is not ideal. And I was totally holding the mic too close to my mouth. So it was a learning experience.

On the way home I drove through a little town called Burlington, which is where I grew up. Of course I drove past my old houses, school, and favorite places. That was part of the reason I flew into Seattle rather than straight to Vancouver. I included my reminiscing in the carcast, mixed with my thoughts on the conference.

The scenery in this image is how everything looked, but I didn't have a camera so this is a pic from Flickr. I also added some music from Harry Miller's Ceol Miner's band at the beginning and end. I visited with Harry while I was in Seattle.

This carcast isn't edited, and the audio quality isn't ideal. Sorry about that. I was just using my little iRiver MP3 player with its built-in mic. If you're ever on a long drive, you might think about trying carcasting. It's actually a lot of fun if you're driving alone.

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