Jing Screencast: Getting Up and Running with Jing
In this Jing video tutorial, I explain how to get up and running with Jing. What's Jing? Check out my previous post that includes several sample Jing videos showing how technical writers can benefit from Jing. You can also see the
[kml_flashembed movie="https://idratherbewriting.com/screencasts/jingEXPRESS/jingEXPRESS.swf" height="335" width="420" /]
Note: If you're seeing some bracketed text and a link rather than a video player, it's because the flash-embed plugin I'm using to embed the Camtasia video into WordPress doesn't display in your feedreader. View this original post to watch the screencast.
Additional Resources
- Jing Project blog
- Jing screencast about configuring share and embed code
- Jing screencast on configuring Jing with Flickr
- Camtasia Studio from TechSmith
(If you listen to the Jing screencasts on their blog, you'll hear Anton' s unforgettable German accent.)