Screencasting -- Workflow and Presentation, by Collin Turner (Podcast)
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Length: 65 min.
Screencasting Presentation Summary
In this podcast, Collin Turner presents on "Screencasting -- Workflow and Presentation" to the Intermountain STC chapter in Utah. Here's the presentation description:
Screencasting (when applied properly) is a valuable tool whose popularity is gaining traction. Most available software is accessible and easy to use. You can make or break a screencast before you ever capture a single screen. This presentation covers the basics of screencasting from concept to publication. This is not a presentation on software … this is all about planning and workflow!
Collin breaks the process of creating screencasts into five accessible phases:
- Concept
- Pre-production
- Production
- Post-production
- Publication/launch
View the accompanying Zoho presentation slides.
You can also see a presentation outline here.
About Collin Turner
Collin Turner is a technical communicator, sometimes author, editor and photographer usually found deep within the workings of APIs, writing manuals or managing projects. Screen casting is one of his latest focus points during a 15-year career in the field. You can find him online at
(See a flyer about the presentation here.)