Richard Hamilton's XML Press Imprint
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Length: 9 min.
In this podcast, I talk with Richard Hamilton about his new publishing imprint, XML Press. Richard started XML Press to serve the needs of technical communicators, publishing books on topics that may not get traction from large publishing houses due to the limited audience, but which perfectly fit a smaller, niche technical communication audience. Focusing on practical topics that technical communicators can use to improve their jobs, XML Press already has one book available and two forthcoming:
- Managing Writers: A Real World Guide to Managing Technical Documentation, by Richard Hamilton
- Wiki: Grow Your Own for Fun and Profit, by Alan J. Porter (coming soon)
- Conversation and Community: The Social Web for Documentation, by Ann Gentle (coming soon)
Richard is looking for topics related to technical communication and XML. If you're looking to write a book on technical communication, be sure to check out XML Press. Richard also has a blog called Managing Writers.