Podcast with Anne Gentle about her Conversation and Community book
[amazon-product align="right"]0982219113[/amazon-product]
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Length: 40 min.
As a follow-up to my review of Anne Gentle's book, [amazon-product type="text" text="Conversation and Community: The Social Web for Documentation"]0982219113[/amazon-product], I also interviewed her for a podcast. Now you can listen to Anne talk about some of the concepts in her book in a more personal way through the headphones of your iPod. In this 40 minute podcast, we cover questions such as the following:
- What's the first step in connecting with your users?
- Why are wikis used more internally than externally?
- How can you build trust with users?
- What's the 90-9-1 percent rule and how can you change the 1 percent part?
- What three steps can you follow for any strategy with social media?
- What is "read wear" and how can you make that content more visible?
- What happens when you break the listen-participate-share-then-lead model?
- How can you use Twitter into your documentation strategy?
- What mindset is antithetical to building conversations and communities with your users?
Additional Resources
- Companion site to Conversation and Community on XML Press
- Anne Gentle's blog
- XML Press
- Tweets converted into T-shirt themes
- Posts about Participation Inequality (the 90-9-1 rule)
- Sarrah Maddox blog
- Stewart Mader
- Review by Jefro
- Review from Sarah Maddox. (Sarah's post also lists other reviews.)
To contact Anne, see the contact button on her blog, Just Write Click.