Podcast on getting a job in technical writing (TW Job)
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Length: 40 min.
Last week I gave a presentation to BYU Idaho students entitled 7 Steps to Getting a Job in Technical Writing. This is a recording of my presentation. You may remember a lengthy post I wrote on this same subject, 7 steps to getting a job in technical writing, as well.
Although getting a job is the focus of the podcast, I also talk about what technical writers do, how they approach a project, how they decide what to create, and how they generate ideas for tasks. Specifically, I talk about about a project people can work on at tech.lds.org. People can start writing help for the project here.
In listening to myself give this presentation, I realize that I have a breathless energy to my voice. As weird as it sounds, "breathing" while I'm presenting is something I'm working on. I don't know if I need to simply pause and relax more, or if the mic is too sensitive and is picking up every tiny breathing sound and magnifying it. But if you have suggestions, please let me know. Also, you may hear typing noises in this podcast as well as the panel. That's a student taking notes on a laptop.