Recording of API documentation workshop (REST and Javadoc) at tcworld India 2015
Here's a recording of the API documentation workshop that I gave at tcworld India 2015:
In this workshop, I cover the following:
- Overview of API documentation
- Deep Dive into REST API documentation
- Deep Dive into Javadoc API documentation
This is similar to other presentations I've given on API documentation, except that in this workshop, I finally get a bit into Javadoc during the last 30 minutes. I also have more activities.
Here's the slide deck:
If you just want to grab the audio, you can listen and download it here:
Download MP3 (right-click and select Save As)
Special thanks to Michael Fritz at tekom for allowing me to post both this recording and my keynote recording.
By the way, if you're interested in learning more about API documentation, check out part one of the API documentation course created by Peter Gruenbaum on Udemy.