Recording of WTD presentation on Video Documentation, by Alicia Avrach
Alicia Avrach, a content strategist at ThoughtSpot, gave a presentation about video documentation at a recent Write the Docs San Francisco meetup. In this presentation, Alicia covers all the aspects of video production, from scripting to recording, post-processing, publishing, and more.
Presentation description
Here’s a description of the presentation:
Curious about video documentation?
What is it really? What are some best practices?
We are pleased to have Alicia Avarch, who will discuss video documentation, including:
• What it takes to produce animation, screencam, and talking head videos.
• Building a great user experience when you have both video and text docs.
• Bootstrapping video production without a big team or a ton of money.
• Measuring the effectiveness of video.
For more details, see the Write the Docs meetup announcement.
Video recording
You can download the MP3 file here.
You can view the slides here on Google Slides.