Document 360: #1 Knowledge Base Software
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Document 360: #1 Knowledge Base Software

I'd Rather Be Writing

Benefits of tool diversity, part II
Is tool fragmentation in tech comm a good thing?
Reviewing draft DITA content with subject matter experts: 6 essential points
My DITA quick reference guide (QRG)
Book Review: The Goldfinch, by Donna Tartt
Writing documentation in an interactive world: Some thoughts on using easyDITA and OxygenXML
The part of the brain you should listen to when writing
Content Re-use is so much better with DITA (and esp. with OxygenXML)
Strategies for content re-use in Confluence
10 technical writing principles to live by
Information Development World and the Customer Experience -- A Podcast with Scott Abel and Val Swisher
Introduction to API documentation: Interview with Scot Marvin
Started a new job
Lessons learned as a novice API technical writer -- Interview with Mary Linderman (podcast)
The future of tech comm is developer doc