Recording: Modern Technical Writing, by Andrew Etter (STC Silicon Valley chapter)
You can read Andrew’s book here: Modern Technical Writing: An Introduction to Software Documentation . (I also posted a review of his book earlier last year.)
Presentation Description
Here’s a description of the presentation:
In Modern Technical Writing: An Introduction to Software Documentation (an ebook available on Kindle), Andrew Etter argues for a model of technical writing that involves lightweight markup languages (like AsciiDoc and Markdown), static site generators (such as Sphinx), distributed version control systems (like Git or Bitbucket), constantly iterating/updating doc content on your website based on analytics, and more. In this presentation, Andrew will provide a summary of Modern Technical Writing, including a discussion of distributed workflows, static site generators, lessons learned during the publishing process, and more.
You can read more details on the STC Silicon Valley event post.
Here’s a video recording (screen + audio):
If you just want the audio only, you can listen here:
Listen to this presentation:
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You can view the slides in PDF here:
More info
If you’d like more, you can also watch a similar presentation Andrew gave to the Write the Docs San Francisco meetup here.